
Global Opportunistic Fixed Income

Fixed Income Portfolio Characteristics As of 6/30/2024

Characteristic Brandywine Global WGBI
Average Quality1 AA- AA
Average Maturity (Years) 20.78 9.59
Average Effective Duration (Years) 8.77 7.07
Average Coupon (%) 5.41 2.43
Current Yield (%) 5.28 -
Average Yield To Maturity (%) 5.67 3.61
Number of Issues 41 1,280

Quality Allocation As of 6/30/2024

Quality Rating Brandywine Global (%)
AAA 15.3
AA 56.0
A 3.0
BBB 17.4
BB or Lower 8.3
Not Rated -

Duration Allocation As of 6/30/2024

Duration Range Brandywine Global (%)
<1 Year 4.3
1-3 Years 3.9
3-7 Years 23.3
7-10 Years 35.6
10+ Years 18.2
No Duration 14.7

Region & Currency Allocation As of 6/30/2024

Region Country (%) Currency (%) WGBI (%)
Asia-Pacific ex-Japan 2.8 14.5 1.8
Emerging Markets 24.8 21.9 11.0
Europe ex-Eurozone 4.7 8.6 5.2
Eurozone - 13.6 27.5
Japan - 10.2 9.9
Middle East & Africa - - 0.3
North & Central America 67.5 31.2 44.3
Other 0.2 - -