
Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities

Fixed Income Portfolio Characteristics As of 6/30/2024

Characteristic Brandywine Global JP50HC50LC
Average Quality1 BB -
Average Maturity (Years) 8.02 8.45
Average Effective Duration (Years) 2.92 -
Average Coupon (%) 7.34 5.38
Current Yield (%) 6.68 -
Average Yield To Maturity (%) 8.98 7.25
Number of Issues 50 -

Quality Allocation As of 6/30/2024

Quality Rating Brandywine Global (%)
AAA 13.8
AA -
A -
BBB 21.6
BB or Lower 63.6
Not Rated 1.0

Duration Allocation As of 6/30/2024

Duration Range Brandywine Global (%)
<1 Year 20.1
1-3 Years 24.6
3-7 Years 33.8
7-10 Years 6.0
10+ Years 2.1
No Duration 13.3

Regional Exposures As of 6/30/2024

Brandywine Global (%)
Emerging Market Sovereign 33.7
Developed Market Credit 7.1
Emerging Market Credit 42.0
Cash 13.8

Currency Exposures As of 6/30/2024

Brandywine Global (%)
Local Currency 63.8
Hard Currency 36.2