
Corporate Credit

Fixed Income Portfolio Characteristics As of 6/30/2024

Characteristic Brandywine Global
Average Maturity (Years) 4.89
Average Effective Duration (Years) 2.51
Average Yield To Maturity (%) 7.18
Current Yield (%) 6.32
Average Yield To Worst (%) 7.04

Quality Allocation As of 6/30/2024

Quality Rating Brandywine Global (%)
BBB or Higher 23.8
BB 34.4
B 36.9
CCC 3.8
CC -
D -
Not Rated 1.1

Duration Allocation As of 6/30/2024

Duration Range Brandywine Global (%)
<1 Year 12.2
1-3 Years 33.0
3-7 Years 41.4
7-10 Years 0.8
10+ Years 2.2
No Duration 10.4

Sector Allocation As of 6/30/2024

Sector Brandywine Global (%) BAUCHY (%)
Automotive 1.0 2.9
Banking 5.6 15.8
Basic Industry 5.7 4.3
Capital Goods 1.3 4.9
Consumer Goods 2.9 5.3
Energy 14.2 8.7
Financial Services 17.1 9.1
Healthcare 1.6 9.5
Insurance 4.4 4.2
Leisure 10.0 1.3
Media 2.8 4.1
Real Estate 1.1 3.5
Retail 6.2 3.7
Services 4.5 2.0
Technology & Electronics 4.3 6.2
Telecommunications 3.7 3.8
Transportation 2.4 2.1
Utility 0.5 8.6
Other 0.4 -
Cash & Cash Equivalents 10.4 -